Friday, November 7, 2008

The Friday Five

Going to start doing the Friday Five ..

1. What usually marks the middle of your day?
The end of my courses for the day; I teach a straight five subjects every day, so lunchtime is the moment I get to take a deep breath and refresh my tea.

If I'm at home, the middle of the day is marked by taking the boys for their afternoon stroll.

2. From whom (or two whom) was your most recent middle-of-the-night phone call?
I honestly can't remember; the ones that stick out, though, are always bad news.

3. On what social, political, economic, or moral issue are you in the middle of the road?
The War. I'm for moving against the so-called "rogue states," but I'm against staying past common sense. For example, I think we should be completely out of Iraq, but I also think, before we pull out, we should swing up to Iran and remove a certain psychotic despot before we come home.

4. How likely are you to give someone the middle finger?
Very. On a scale of one to ten, probably an eight or a nine. I'll do it while driving; and I'm not one of those wussies who just flip someone off over their steering wheel. No sir, I make sure the window is rolled down, the arm is extended out, hand raised above the roof, clearly stating my displeasure at whatever jackass has irritated me.

I'll also use the middle finger as a "nyah" gesture. If I'm joking with a student after school and they make some joke about me (which I don't mind for the most part), they may just get the finger. (Calm down, folks, these are high school students, they've seen the finger before.)

5. When were you last caught in the middle of a disagreement that really had nothing to do with you?
Last year at Snooty McSnoot Military Academy - I backed up a teacher who had been sexually harassed by the Dean, and had then later been bullied by the Superintendent and the Vice President for Academic Affairs. Because I did the right thing, I was told that my job was going to go to one of the Vice President's sycophants.

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