Saturday, July 14, 2007


"Change is really amazing stuff. Takes us places we never expected to be, turns us into people we never imagined ourselves capable of becoming, and yet through all of it, one ultimately feels like they really haven't changed. You're still you, I'm still me, despite the fact that neither of us are who we used to be. Funny how that works, huh?" - Garth Graham

Two years ago, my life was completely different than how I find myself today. Without getting into the "then", the "now" is pretty darned good. I'm with a wonderful woman who makes me very happy. She has a dog who has adopted me as his buddy, a pudgy little squat-faced grey cat who I think is actually plotting my slow torture and eventual death, and a thirty pound who spends most of the night sleeping next to me.

As Jake says, Life is good.

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