Saturday, June 14, 2008

Political Activity

Yesterday, LG and I went to a John McCain town hall meeting about a half hour away; I may not be the conservative Republican I once was, but I'm certainly more right than left.

He spoke for about a half hour, then took a half hour of questions. Having been to many of these types of events before, I expected the standard pre-screened, pre-prepared questions from a handful of specially selected audience members. I'd guess there were only two or three of those, and the rest were actual questions from regular folk.

McCain was engaging, self-depreciating ("in 2000, I didn't know a lot about global warming, so after the election I went back home to Arizona, since I lost..."), and seemed rather genuine. Which, honestly, is what he's supposed to be seeming to be, as he's running for office.

Best part? Joe Lieberman was there supporting him. John McCain has Joe-mentum! (pre-failure Joementum, anyway)

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