Saturday, May 10, 2008


I was told a couple of weeks ago that it's not all that guaranteed that I'd have a position next year at the school I've been teaching at. Needless to say, I took it pretty hard, as I've grown fond of the students and the school itself. But, things change, things move on, and I'm now again in the position of looking for a full-time teaching position. God has a plan for me; when He closes a door, He opens another.

So I'm sending out resumes to private and public schools. A few weeks ago I had an initial phone interview with a charter school in Philadelphia, and a week ago I had an interview at a school in Wilmington. I'm trying to keep my search to about an hour radius, which is roughly how long my drive-time was when teaching in Michigan. Keep your fingers crossed for the interview, and I'll let you all know how it goes.

Birthday is coming up this month. In 2003, my dad passed away on my birthday after a 5 month struggle with cancer; this has put a bit of a shadow on my birthday for the last few years. This year, though, I'll be doing a birthday dinner with LG and her mom, so that will definitely provide some birthday cheer. :)

Gaming note: I have been trying the mage class in WoW since I started playing the game two months after it came out. I have, thus far, made and deleted five mages. I'm now on Mage #6, and he's now in his 30s, which is the highest any of the little bastards have made it, so I'm fairly impressed with my dorkitude.

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