Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Godspeed, Dungeon Master

I'm a geek. A nerd. I'll be the first to admit it. When I pick up a piece of fiction, nine times out of ten it's a fantasy novel; I read enough history, politics, and religion professionally, so when I want a bit of relaxing me-time, I pick up something light and fun.

I roleplayed in my youth. Dungeons and Dragons. A bunch of teenagers in a basement, each with an assortment of dice (d20, d12, two d10s, d8, a handful of d6s, and a d4), a character sheet, a plethora of junk food, an imagination, and a mutual understanding that this behavior could and would get us mocked. To this day, some of my fondest memories of my young life are hanging out with my friends, roleplaying.

The man who created the Dungeons and Dragons empire, who revitalized the realm of fantasy in the 1970s, Gary Gygax, died this morning. He didn't get a saving throw for that, none of us do. But he rolled a natural 20 in life.

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