Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Limpin' ain't easy

For many years, I have, more often than not, used a cane; my left knee has an issue in which it will occasionally collapse out from under me. On any given day, it's a constant, annoying ache. Every so often, it's shooting pain. Either way, I don't use the cane all the time, but it's usually nearby, just in case I do.

That being said: when a store offers me a motorized cart to zip around in, I have the urge to thwap the person who offers upside the head with said cane. Now, admittedly, these feelings probably don't make me the best person in the world (but, I don't do it, so that's what counts, right? right? Dammit, I don't think that counts. Why the Hell didn't somebody stop me from thinking that?!?...and why am I asking you, you're not privy to what I'm thinking...unless you're reading this blog, then you'll know what I'm thinking aaaaaaand now we've just gone all Twilight-Zone tangent). I just think that Standard American Store Greeter should wait until they are asked for a motorized cart. Just because I'm using a cane doesn't mean I need to plop my lazy ass in a cart and fill up the front basket with my grocery goodness.

But, on second thought, if I could use my cane as a lance and go jousting through the aisles, that might be worth it.

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